Full-time Faculty

Erika Schneider, Ph.D. 
Professor of Art History
Museum Studies Coordinator

BA, Mount Holyoke College
MA, Boston University
Ph.D Tyler School of Art at Temple University

Office and Contact Information
315 May Hall

Courses Taught
ARTH 200 Art and Social Values
ARTH 202 History of Art I
ARTH 272 History of Art II
ARTH 273 Modern Art History
ARTH 282 American Art
ARTH 380 From Romanticism through Impressionism
ARTH 290 Study Tour in Art and Architecture
ARTH 333 History of Graphic Design
ARTH 383 Contemporary Art
ARTH 389 Special Topics in Art History
ARTH 483 Seminar in the History of Art
INTD 371 Museum Studies

ARTH 873 Modern Art History
ARTH 882 American Art
ARTH 883 Contemporary Art
ARTH 889 Special Topics in Art History